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Rosewood Phnom Penh, A Sense of Place


Soaring nearly 200 meters above the very heart of the Cambodia Capital and the central business district lies the new ultra-luxury Rosewood, our hotel of choice during our entire stay in Phnom Penh. Topping out the 39-story of the city’s most iconic, as well as the tallest, Vattanac Capital Tower, displaying the unparalleled and unstructured 360 degrees view of the mighty Mekong River as well as the city from the former French colonial quarter in the north all the way to the Royal Place in the Southeast. Setting a new level of luxury in Phnom Penh. We seriously could not choose a better home away from home in this city.

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Shinta Mani Wild, The Golden Age of The Wild

Making our adrenalin-filled entrance flying over this magical 865 acres of the private wildlife corridor connecting the three national parks together (Bokor, Kirirom, and Cardamom) via a 380-meter long zip-line. Soaring through the exquisite Cambodian Jungle over countless canopy of trees and the majestic waterfall. Suddenly, we could hear people singing “Happy Birthday” in the distance during the zip-line, as we approached the landing zone I could now clearly see our Bensley Butler with a beautiful wild flower bouquet and an all lit up big birthday chocolate cake with my name on. The general manager (with a custom-hand-made birthday card signed by all the staff) and the team were also there to warmly greet us, we also noticed the beautiful welcome drinks (which later became our regular go-to everyday drink throughout our stay, it’s fabulous and so refreshing!) made of a shot of tequila in the infused ice pineapple cordial with a beautiful twist of the perfectly blended anise and clove. Everyone and everything was ready and set up even before we even removed our harness. What a truly 5-star loyalty kind of welcome this is. We were then swiftly escorted to our jaw dropping fashionably gorgeous and luxurious #1 The Cambodian Royalty Waterfall Tent, perching over rolling rapids offering an undisturbed 360-degree view of the raw nature. Our waterfall tent is the furthest from camp (and the absolute best) making it the most private and scenic. It has become one of our all-time favorite villas in the world. We seriously cannot imagine a better plan to celebrate my birthday week than at our beloved Shinta Mani Wild. Are you ready? Come with us this way!

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Cambodia, Travel

Park Hyatt Siem Reap: An Ultimate Luxury Escape to Angkor Wat


A home to one of the eighth wonder of the world, The Angkor Wat, and a living proof of Khmer Empire’s glorious era and flourish civilization with impeccable geometry, extraordinary architecture, and unmatched designs, Temples of Angkor, Siem Reap is a Star Attraction and a city that is truly like no others. It is a kind of place to be seen by your very own eyes only. Truly magical and forever sensational to both of us! We are so excited to be back, always have ton of fun shooting here as unlimited amount of fine photography is being made despite numbers of our visit. The Temples of Angkor have the grand scale of The Great Wall of China, the majestic beauty and delicacy of Indian’s Taj Mahal, and the strong resemblance of Egyptian Pyramid, all combined into one; making its European castle counterparts blush. Akin to that of Egyptian Pyramid, they both provoked an obvious question “How were they built? (Especially when It was build almost a thousand years ago, in 1101”). These irresistible authentic Cambodian charms, unanswered wonders, and endless inspirations luring us to make our repeat visit to Siem Reap. As we have always been very fond of how Park Hyatt flawlessly and exquisitely blends chic modern vibes together with that of the charm of local authentic heritage, we have chosen to stay at Park Hyatt Siem Reap. It is exactly what we thought and hope it to be, an ultimate 5-star oasis located at the very heart of the vibrant, Siem Reap. It totally is a perfect & long waited holiday, a little break from GMAT. Ready to explore the enchanted Siem Reap and its spellbound temples of Angkor? Come this way! Quick!

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